Webindia Master carries a legal agreement, which demonstrates 100% assurance of abiding by (NDA) Non-Disclosure Agreement Guarantee to stop infringement of "Confidential Information" of clients. We secure all information and protect it from misuse by any other sources.
We proclaim that all content that have been posted and published on www.webindiamaster.com, such as website design, content, images, logo, reviews, trademarks, layout, etc. are sole property of Webindia master. All data is safely protected under copyright and intellectual laws.
Webindia master strictly not allows anyone to use, copy, transfer, modify, exploit or distribute the data by any means. No one is allows to use company name, logo or content without written agreement from our owner. We strictly restricted everyone to transmit or post any content on our website that seems harassing, unlawful, obscene, pornographic, defamatory which is considered as a criminal offense. We are free to revise and modify our private policy, terms and condition, our company URL name,warranties and specification.
If you fail to conform with the conditions, terms, agreements and notices, then the rights granted to you will end with self termination. You also agree with the policy and taking responsibility to protects webindia master affiliates, subsidiaries, employees,partners, agents, licensors and other information providers.